Striped or ridged nails can often be more than just a cosmetic concern; they can actually signal underlying health conditions or deficiencies. Vertical or horizontal lines on nails, known as Beau’s lines or nail ridges, can indicate a variety of issues, ranging from nutrient deficiencies to more serious health concerns.
Vertical ridges are usually harmless and can often be linked to aging or dehydration. However, deep horizontal lines (Beau’s lines) may suggest stress, infection, or even an interruption in nail growth, which sometimes occurs due to illnesses like diabetes, malnutrition, or autoimmune disorders. In some cases, ridges could be a sign of vitamin deficiencies, particularly in iron, calcium, and zinc, which are essential for nail health.
If you notice changes in your nails, consider consulting a healthcare professional to determine if there might be underlying issues. Maintaining a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, staying hydrated, and practicing good nail care can support healthier nails and overall well-being.