There is a long debate about what is older, the egg or the chicken? Scientists have offered their opinions, and philosophers have also contributed to the debate throughout history.
According to science, however, eggs are older than chickens. Various types of animals, including dinosaurs, laid eggs long before chickens appeared on Earth. So, evolutionarily speaking, the egg is older.
The question arises – is it actually a chicken egg? If we are talking about an egg laid by a hen, then the hen would be the first. However, if we look at the egg as a general term, regardless of the species – then the egg comes first, explains BBC Science Focus.
Besides, the egg is a single cell, which then develops into the body of a chick, which in turn grows into a hen or rooster.
So the answer to this question depends on the definition of the chicken and the egg and the interpretation of evolutionary history. Considering the “complexity” of the question, it can be said that this question is mostly asked from a philosophical point of view.